Friday, September 5, 2014


Off to a great start :)

Is everyone ready to get their hands dirty?  After Attendance we will move into the clayroom to begin getting our clay ready to build our first construction.

Your goal today is to learn to wedge clay and why it is so important to the entire process of building with clay.

Continue to work on the guided reading.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Day 2

-What makes great art great?
  • with Ms Kleman's class

Coming Up:

-Guide Reading Assignment
-Clay making Tour
-Getting your clay ready to use

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Extruded clay mugs are a lot of fun.  This would be a great project if you finish early.  Make a couple.

Review of adding extruded handles

Monday, February 3, 2014


Clay II & III
-Project Plan due today

Clay I
Keep working on your worksheet.  Turn it in to the orange basket when you are done with it.

$2 LAB FEE!!!!

Design Time
-Create 8 sketches of possible drinking vessels.

-Turn in your designs to the basket once you have completed them.
-Designs must include a stamped, impressed or applied surface design or a complex sculpted handle. 
-Words, numbers or symbols may not be used in your design unless it is repeated like a texture.
-Sketches are required to earn full credit on your piece in later grading.

Friday, January 31, 2014


2:00 Assembly Schedule

7:35 AM
8:20 AM

8:25 AM
9:10 AM

9:15 AM
10:02 AM
with announcements
10:07 AM
10:52 AM

10:57 AM
11:42 AM

5A Lunch
11:47 AM
12:17 PM

5A Class
12:22 PM
1:07 PM

5B Class
11:47 AM
12:32 PM

5B Lunch
12:37 PM
1:07 PM

1:12 PM
1:57 PM

2:04 PM
2:51 PM

Off to a great start :)

Is everyone ready to get their hands dirty?  After Attendance we will move into the clayroom to begin getting our clay ready to build our first construction.

Your goal today is to learn to wedge clay and why it is so important to the entire process of building with clay.

$2 lab Fee is due by next Friday.
Continue to work on the guided reading.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Day 2

-Guide Reading Assignment
-Clay making Tour
-Getting your clay ready to use

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Welcome to 2nd Semester

Ceramics and Sculpture I, II & III

Ceramics and Sculpture II & III
-Choose a ceramic topic to begin designing
-Complete the front and back of the first page artist's sketchbook worksheet.
-Turn this in by Friday.

1. On a piece of paper write your name, date and class hour.
2. Define the following terms:

-pinch pot
-fettling knife

3. Hand into the orange basket by the teachers station