Slabs with Curves Vessel

Slab Construction Learning Targets
-students will learn to use the principles and elements of form, pattern/rhythm and negative space to design their slab piece.
-students will learn to incorporate curving walls, clay extensions, and relief, sgraffito, stamping or piercing techniques to embellish their piece.
-students will learn to apply glazing techniques learned in class to finish this slab vessel.

Slab Vessel With Curves Requirements
·       a vessel constructed out of slabs of clay, incorporating curve into the walls, and a minimum of 10” across or tall.
·        surface design must use on the surface.
·       piercing, stamping, applique or sgrafitto or a combination of applications can be applied to the piece. Brown or black slip is available for a sgrafitto design.
·        incorporate extensions on the surface somewhere such as handles or feet.  
·       create 8 sketches of possible ideas.
·       seek  peer feedback on designs

·       approved designs, and final sketch completed before starting the final piece.

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