
Course Syllabus Ceramics and Sculpture 2016-2017
Lincoln High School – Room 133
Mrs. Rice – Teacher
Best way to contact instructor:, Phone: (715) 424- 6750
Course Description: What is Ceramics and Sculpture all about?
           Ceramics and Sculpture is an art class that builds on the fundamental principles of design with an emphasis on building artwork in 3-dimensions. Sculpture is a unique artistic expression that activates the space in which we live and move in endless ways.  You will investigate current and past artists that work in sculpture and apply clay hand built and thrown techniques to create interesting and engaging artwork from every angle.  Class time will be used to work independently on projects, however at times out of class time will be required to complete reading and sketchbook assignments .

·         Be Prompt:  Excessive tardies will result in Saturday school and a truancy notice .
·         Be Prepared:  Always have supplies you need for class and any completed homework, pencil and eraser will be needed every day.  They can be kept in your classroom locker.
·         Be Neat: Use tools and materials correctly.  Misuse will result in losing you tool or material privileges.  Put your work and supplies away at the end of each class period and clean up your area and any materials used.
·         Be Respectful: Listen and follow instructions carefully, raise your hand for help, or questions.  Your classmates may also be helpful.  Use appropriate language, do not interrupt, etc.  Cell phones must be kept in the provided classroom container. Any cell phones seen or heard in class will be brought to the office.
·         Be Productive:  Stay on task during class, complete the daily tasks given to the BEST of your ability.  When finished with art assignments, use this time to work on related pieces of your own design.

How will my grade be calculated?
80%………………Art Pieces
20%………………Samples, Sketchbook assignments, handouts, pre and post quizzes

How will work be graded?
Students will be graded on the completion of requirements for a project and the amount of effort put into the work, not on artistic ability.  Different measures of assessment will be used throughout the twelve weeks.  Critiques, criteria checklists, self-evaluations, and rubrics will be used to assess projects.  All projects require sketches. Without sketches the finished project is only worth 50% of the total grade.
*Design principles and elements, use of lab time and Craftsmanship will be graded for every project.

How do I make up missing or incomplete work?
Since most work is done in class, I strongly encourage students to miss as little class as possible.  Late or incomplete work may be submitted during the same grade period for full credit.  For every excused absence day, you will have one school day to make up work without a reduction in grade.  If you do not turn in a project, it will receive an F in the grade period average. Late projects will NOT be accepted after the end of the grading period.
What if I am late to class?
When you arrive late to class, put your pass on the teacher desk, and WITHOUT DISRUPTING CLASS quietly find your seat.  After 2 tardies you will receive a classroom detention.  4 or more tardies will result in a referral to the office.   Make every effort to be on time.

What if I am not following directions in class?
-    verbal warning -     parent contact                                            
-     seat change/isolation -     one on one conference with Teacher
-     loss of materials privilege -     clean up duty during lunch                             
-     office referral -     seconds owed after the bell                           
The Art Code of Conduct:
-Your art will be original and expressive at all times.  Overused symbols such as hearts and peace signs are not examples of original ideas.
-Your art can be inspired by someone, but not copied from them.
-Logos and trademarks are copyrighted designs, and may not be used in an original art piece.
-Art work will be positive and appropriate.  Negative symbols will not be used in expressive design.  This includes images associated with drugs and violence.
What happens when the bell rings?
I will dismiss you from class, not the bell.  A clean up bell will signal the beginning of the last 5 minutes of class.  Class will be dismissed ONLY when every work area is clean, materials are returned to their proper place and every student is quiet and seated. Works in progress are organized and stored in cabinets and tables are swept clean. This is part of your grade.

What supplies will I need with me in class?  
-5 No. 2 Pencils, non-mechanical (*with erasers)
-1 folder
-1 BIG white eraser, or gum eraser…NOT PINK eraser
-Combination lock-this will be checked out to you at the beginning of the semester.  Failure to return the lost will result in a $10 replacement fee.
-$2.00 lab fee is due the second friday of the semester.  

What will I do in Ceramics and Sculpture I class ?
-Pinched base and slab rimmed vessel with embellished surface
-Curved and flat surfaced slab vessel with sgraffito surface design
-Coil Vessel with Multiple Connected Necks
Recycle Architecture
Carved Sculpture
Wire Sculpture
Paper Mache Sculpture

Artists to Study:
Maria Martinez David Oliveira Chris Theiss Henry Moore

Ceramics and Sculpture II
- Copy Real life object: creating realism with clay
-3-D head
-Chicken Wire Animals
-Series of 4 thrown vessels
-Large Sculpture based on microscopic creature
-Freestanding Assemblage Self Portrait Bust: including recycled materials
-Design your own final project, celebrating a global, local, personal topic

Artists to Study:
Marilyn Levine Joseph Seganthaler Stan Winston

Ceramics and Sculpture III
-Packing Tape Life Casting
-Clay in-the-Round Figure Sculpture-realistic or expressive
-Kinetic Sculpture
-Wheel Thrown Complex Piece or Set of 4 mugs with Handles
-3 conceptually related nature or human topics (for example: sculptures of 3 different ravens from different materials or same materials and different compositions) that combine various techniques of clay working along with non-clay projects, a minimum of 3 projects due each term.
-You will conference with your teacher to design and develop projects each six weeks.
Artists to study: Cory McCory Alexander Calder

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